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How to Implement an Online Board Room Meeting

Online boardroom meetings eliminate the requirement for a physical meeting and also reduce the cost of travel. Additionally, it offers members with the ability to be able to participate from anywhere. But, like any new technology, there are challenges when it comes to implementing this tool. Before using the software, board members must be familiar with the software and be aware of how it functions. They must also establish communication protocols and clear expectations.

The most important problem is to ensure that everyone who is online is participating in discussions. During an online conference it’s easy for participants to get distracted and lose their concentration. Therefore, it is essential to keep them interested by making sure they hear the speaker. A clear agenda allows for an efficient discussion, and stops the meeting from going over. Idealy an agenda should comprise 20 percent of the agenda items in order to provide enough time for discussion. It is also ideal to schedule the meeting in a time that is not overlapping with normal meal times to avoid eating in front of the camera. The chair should also suggest to the board members to turn off the mute option when they are not speaking to ensure background noise does not distract.

Another major challenge is to make sure the virtual conference and board portal work together seamlessly. A high-quality solution will allow video calls and allow you to manage both the video call and documents from a single platform. Furthermore it will allow the board to download agendas in PDF format and then view it even offline.

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